Why Framing Matters
Fugu Tribe, Papua New Guinea, 2015
It is nearly impossible for me to tell a full story just with a single picture.
When working on a project, I try to use simultaneously my brain, heart, and eyes. They have to work in a unison to depict a story.
To FIGURE what is the story it means to cut from the raw material of life.
Shooting pictures like a machine gun doesn’t work. I’ve tried it countless times. I always end up with tons of pictures that distract me from what is the real story.
Also when shouting fewer pictures, I tend to remember why I created them that way. What influences my decision to include or exclude from the FRAME?
There are tons of photographers out there who are experts in photoshop. I use it too. Nevertheless, there is a fine line between adjusting the contrast and the exposure to adding elements and heavy color manipulation.
The key is to practice. Never let be rushed by time. It is critical to connect with the scene. Don’t influence the behavior of your subjects.
For example, when I met the Fugu boys from Easter Highlands of PNG, I spent about 2 days with them during the sing-sing festival. On the 3rd day, I was able to use the camera. Like this Fugu, kids were able to open up in front of me, and I could emerge into the scene.