Freedom & Independence

Kazakh Eagle Hunter, Mt. Altai, 2015

It’s all about freedom and independence.

Many people aspire to be rich. But looking rich and being REAL rich are two different things.

Real rich is the free person.

During my expeditions to Papua New Guinea, Central Asia, Africa, and Latin America I witnessed how strong freedom and happiness are correlated.

In my encounter with the 90+ tribes, I noticed something in common between them. All those with limited contact with the modern world were genuinely happy. More impressive was that their happiness lasted for a long time. And the ones that weren’t, were those who had regular contact with our civilization and got influenced by us.

The free people were those who did WHAT they wanted, WHENEVER they wanted, with WHOMEVER they wanted, for AS LONG as they wanted.

This is one of the reasons why regular modern people feel nostalgic about tribal life once they experience such freedom.

Tsetso & Mt. Stara Planina, Bulgaria, 2015

The adventurers were the second group of people who are free and happy. This is valid especially for mountaineers during expeditions.

NOTE TO SELF: Dare to move to dive into the unknown and discover something new about yourself. If you don’t notice the weight of chains, then appreciate your freedom. Bring a photo camera with you.


Mountaineering Books


Michael Yamashita