“Magic connects warrios to plants.”
The Huli people are well-known for their vibrant, decorated wigs and their fiercely violent temperament. They engage in frequent battles with other clans over land, pigs, and women. The tradition of growing a wig begins in childhood as part of the boys' manhood training, which takes place in a secretive cave deep within the jungle. Each boy is given a seed of a particular plant, which is believed to be connected to their soul through magical spells. The plant represents the spiritual status of each trainee and indicates when a boy is ready to be considered a man and return home. If a boy becomes a powerful and respected warrior, the plant assigned to him will flourish. However, if a person dies or their mind becomes corrupted, their plant will wither and die.
Huli Tribe Map, Papua New Guinea
Huli village, Papua New Guinea
Kai is a Huli warrior, Papua New Guinea
Monago is the Chief of Huli Tribe
The entrace to Huli village, Papua New Guinea
Stage 1 wig of Hadjema
Stage 2 wid of Hetape
Stage 3 wig of Monago, Huli tribe
Decoration of men's hut, Huli Tribe
Huli Tribe, Papua New Guinea
Decoration, Huli Tribe, Papua New Guinea
Getting Ready, Huli Tribe, Papua New Guinea
Huli Tribe Dance, Papua New Guinea
Huli warrior, Papua New Guinea
Kikori river, Papua New Guinea
Huli warror at sign-sing ceremony
Huli dancers
Huli warriors, Papua New Guinea